Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Quick Classroom Tour 2015-2016

Wow! Today started the 3rd week of school! I have been staying later than I have in a few years getting things ready for the next day/week, and it is wearing me out! My hubs isn't too happy about it either, because it leaves him with our girls longer than it used to.  I keep telling him, and myself, once I get into a good routine it will get better.  Right? Let's hope.

So I am IN LOVE with how my room turned out this year! And my kiddos love it, which makes it all worth it!

This is the view from the front door.  

This sign is on my door. I made it using the poster maker at school.

My math workshop rotational board. We are starting tomorrow, so pray for me!!

On this bulletin board I will hang anchor charts that we are no longer using.  That way students can go back and review them if they need to during their spiral work.

This bulletin board is by my desk.  It houses the calendar, and now it also houses our schedule and resource schedule.  

These pictures show my tables that I painted using dry erase paint.  I LOVE THESE!! This has made math so much fun! The students can't wait to work out their problems on the tables! Let's just hope that lasts!

Classroom library and bookshelves holding math manipulatives.

This is my small group table.  I cut the word AREA out and posted it on my back door.  I printed a bunch of PERIMETER words and posted them around the back door, so the kids will see a visual every single day.

My desk.  It's already not that clean :(

I re-did my tool box and added my monogram using my silhouette!

I also re-did my Copy, File, Grade box. 

My new pennets! Love how they turned out!

So that's it!! Hope you enjoyed it! 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Assess Me...Weeks 1 and 2

Boy am I late to the game! I just saw this linky tonight, and it looks like fun! I'm going to do week 1 and 2 together to catch up!!

  • I'm definitely a jeans gal.  I like wearing skirts in the summer, but I can also rock the jeans!
  • I always have a pair of earrings on...I'm liking necklaces more and more, but I feel naked without my ear jewelry
  • Big Pimpin: JZ----in HS I thought it said spin the cheese. HA!
  • my wedding rings are white gold and I used to love silver, but the past couple of years all I've worn is gold. Rose gold is my fav
  • I love the country way more than the city!
  • These days I like to shop online...I hate trying things on in the store and feeling like a fat cow!
  • I love breakfast any time of day...but I don't like coffee! 
  • I'm a night owl during the summer. Once school starts back, I'll be in bed by 9
  • I chose undone because 9 times out of 10 you will find me in shorts and a tee with hair pulled up.  Hey, its summer right?
  • Flats all the way...comfort over fashion
  • Love airplanes and getting somewhere fast!
  • I chose central air over central park because it is HOT here and I don't know what I would do without my AC! I love NYC though :)

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Math Workshop bulletin board

Hi everyone! Most of you are probably in Vegas having the time of your life!

As you know, I am planning on starting Guided Math/Math Workshop this year in my classroom.  I was looking on TpT for the rotation set-up, but couldn't really find anything that went with my theme.  So I decided to make one! It's nautical, and navy and mint green.

Nautical Math Workshop
It's nothing fancy, as I am a newbie at this, but it will do.  It also has the numbers to go with it. Hopefully someone else can use it also!

I also decided to start a TpT store, since I have a feeling I will have to do a lot of creating this year in my math class!

If you want the nautical math workshop labels, you can pick it up for free HERE! 

Also, be sure to follow me on Bloglovin'!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

What I'm Wearing Wednesday

Hey y'all! Today I'm linking up with Jivey for What I'm Wearing Wednesday!!

I have such a hard time getting dressed these days because I have body issues.  I have had trouble losing the weight I put on with my babies, so I just feel uncomfortable in just about EVERYTHING!!  This outfit turned out cute though! 

This week I joined the gym, and got my butt kicked in Body Pump! I'm determined to lose the weight this time around!! I'm also using My Fitness Pal, so follow me to give me tips and motivation!! I'll return the favor!!

MFP Username: Scarico

Friday, July 3, 2015

Five for Friday

Hi y'all! I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday!


Let's get this party started shall we??


We had VBS at my church this week.  The theme was Journey Off the Map.  I did music/dance, and boy am I tired and sore!
We had 288 this week! I couldn't believe it! And 48 kiddos gave their life to Christ! Awesome sauce!!


I know I already talked about this in my Currently, but I am still so excited about my new blog header!! I couldn't have done any better myself (and let's face it...I couldn't have done it myself at all, thus asking Megan!) Seriously...if y'all need help/new design, run, don't walk, to Megan's site.  


I went to Hobby Lobby yesterday to purchase some new fabric for a bunting in my classroom! That was definitely one of the most fun projects in my room with my old color scheme, so I HAVE to replace it with a new one!!

Here is the old one: I'll post the new one to Monday Made It when I get it finished!


My sweet baby girl turned one this week! She isn't quite walking yet, but boy can she talk up a storm! She and my oldest are 14 months apart, and they LOVE each other so much! It warms my heart to see them hug and kiss all the time, and to see my oldest tell her little sissy it will be okay when she gets upset!


Today we went to visit with a childhood friend of my husbands.  He and his wife had a baby girl in February, and he found out about a month ago he has testicular cancer.  I have never really interacted with someone going through treatment for cancer, especially someone so young.  He is really strong, and his spirits are high, determined to beat this.  So is his wife, but she did have a mini-meltdown today.  I can't imagine having to go through this, especially with an infant to take care of also.  So I ask you guys to please keep them in your prayers.  It would mean the world to them.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Currently July 2015

It's already July?!? Really?!?  My daughter turned one June 30th....can't believe how fast that year went! Soon I'll blink and they will be in school! AHHH!!

On to the currently! I'm linking up with Farley from Oh Boy 4th Grade!

Listening to the Today Show...I like to watch the makeovers on Thursday.  Boy George was performing today....his fabric hair was just ridiculous! Sorry Boy George fans!

Since I am teaching math only this year, and math is my absolute favorite, I decided to change the name of my blog to Everyday I'm Calculatin.  I asked Megan at Bird in Hand Designs to create my new header and button.  I LOVE it so much! 

I can't believe this is my 3rd week out of school....so I only have like 5 left.  Crazy! The past two summers I have had 4 months off due to having babies....so this one is going by WAAAAAY to quickly! I need to get started on some things for my classroom! I am changing up my color scheme this year, so I have a lot of painting/printing/fabric hunting to do!

This week has been Vacation Bible School at my church.  I learned a few years ago not to teach a class when it is so close to getting out of school for summer.  My nerves couldn't handle it.  So this year I decided to help with music.  It has been fun, learning these songs and dances and showing the kiddos, but man my shoulders hurt! Every single song has a TON of arm movements! The music pastor keeps joking he is going to need rotator cuff surgery :)

All-Star: I don't really consider myself an all-star at anything.  However...I try to be an all-star mom for my girls.  I don't mean that as someone who does all of the things we see on pinterest, but as someone who does their best and gives them just what they need.  It's a tough job!!

Monday, June 29, 2015


A few years back when I taught 5th grade, my principal had an AIMS rep fly out for a week to do some Professional Development with us.  Her focus was Science, since we had a Science EOG in 5th grade.  She spent the morning rotating between our 3 classes, teaching a different science lesson each time, and then we would meet with her in the afternoon to discuss the lessons and use some more activities.  The best part was definitely the HUGE Binder she made for each of us with a ton of lessons to go along with the standards, and a kit with manipulatives and tools for each of the lessons! My students enjoyed the lessons, and I enjoyed teaching them, as I felt they really broke down the information in a kid friendly way.

Fast forward to now: Our school gave each teacher $200 to spend at the end of the school year for the upcoming year.  I decided to purchase some AIMS activities for math.  I like the idea of using them in my classroom because they are so hands on and kids LOVE hands on.  But I also want to try Guided Math this upcoming year...I will have to try to balance both, and I'm sure I'll be able to once I play around with it, I'm just having a hard time picturing it in my head!

Have any of you used AIMS in your math classes? How did it go?

Monday, June 15, 2015

Change is in the AIR....

Change: It's a word that send mixed emotions.  Some people love tradition and hate change...others change all the time! Me...I'm not great with change, but I know it has to happen.  This change though, I'm A-OKAY with!

Two years ago, my administrators decided to departmentalize grades 3-5.  I volunteered to teach writing, because the other math teacher had been teaching for over 30 years, and I wasn't about to take his favorite away from him right before he retired! But then he retired, and my administrators moved a teacher down from 5th grade to take over math...which meant I was stuck with writing again.  Don't get me wrong, I like writing, but I LOVE MATH.  My brain just gets so excited when math problems are thrown at it...and I feel so excited about teaching when I am teaching math! So, my principal got transferred to another school for the upcoming year, and my AP is now our principal! And she gave me Math back! Did I mention I love her?!?

I haven't taught math since we started Common Core, so I will be stalking blogs like crazy for ideas! I am currently reading Guided Math, as I am hoping (fingers crossed) to implement it into my classroom for this coming year.  Please send me your success stories (and what wasn't successful)...I know a lot of you did a book study on this book a couple of years back, so I will probably go back and re-read those for some ideas!

Another change: Since I am now solely a math teacher, I changed the name of my blog to Everyday I'm Calculatin'....The blog will be getting an update soon! I'm so excited!

I don't even want to look at when the last time I blogged was! I would like to say it will get better, but no promises! With 2 kids, aged 2 and 1, it's going to be a busy summer! I am hoping to at least get some blogging done during nap time! That is if I can get them to take a nap at the same time :)